Thursday, March 8, 2007

Comerica topic

Since i am interested in this topic for my future papers, i was lookin online for more sources and articles. I ended up coming upon a story that said that the move Comerica is about to make is a good thing. The article said that we should be happy that they moved just the HQ, not all the brnaches in our state. It surprised me thought that someone would think that a direct decline to our society in our state would be a god thing. I agree with many other articles that I read saying that this is going to be a symptom with big buisnesses in Detoirt. THey see a booming market across the nation and there is no reason why they wouldn't leave. We need direct action now to help get a plan to save and to start building the economy if we want to have a stable economy.

What I MIght Want To Research

Recently, i have taken an interest in the comerica story on the news. I find this interesting since it affects our community so much. I take frequent trips down to Downtown Detroit and i see that it is slowly turning around. I am curious as to what is going to happen to that prgress once comerica leaves the city for good. Also, the story interests me because I am interested as why they are leaving and how they came to the conclusion of going to Dallas. I want to research the story more which will be the drive behind writing my last two papers.

My Own Backyard News

While looking at the news in my area, Livonia, i found that there is nothing interesting going on. Livonia had to have Redford news on the page just to have some stories. The top story was about an orchestra group celebrating their 51st anniversary. Other storys like a cat being rescued and what is happening this week at the local ice rink were on the list. Overall, i believe that Livonia is a boring place int erms of news and pretty much everything else.

Freep Cont.

They dont seem to cloud the facts with drama or anything of the sort. When i read the stories, it was just straight facts about the atory that they were writing about. This surprised me because i thought for sure that they would alter the story to make it sound so dramatic when it really isnt. I may be overlooking and maybe they are dramatizing the stories. But if they are, they are doing a good job at making it discreet.

Freep Class Work

While looking on the local news page of, i saw that besides the "big two" stories that are being covered all over the news, there is nothing really else that stands close to that in importance. An article on a group thinking that people should agree to become organ donors when they are in need was the next big story. After that, i became disinterested in the stories because they were all very small print and lined on the side of the page. The stories that the free press wants to show, Irealized, they will put up pictures and make the bold really big to grab your attention. then every other story compared to that seems uninteresting and petty.

Urban Decline Reading

I read the reading that we had to read for class about urban decline and i did not enjoy the essay at all. To me, the article was very hard to read. He used very big words in almost every sentence. Also, he had so many ideas compunded into each sentence that it was hard to follow what point he was really trying to make. Overall i thought that the writing was not meant for normal citizens, only ones who were educated as an urban commentator.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Spring Break

For spring break, i went down to Gatlinburg Tennessee. I went there primarily because i could golf there, since i am a big golfer. Also while i was there, i climbed some of the mountain which was a sight to see. The weather was nice and warm so i could wear shorts and enjoy the weather. Although i did run into some rain on thursday which stopped me from golfing for a day.Overall i had a good time on spring break.


I get my news primarily from the television. Channel 4 and Channel 7 are the main tv news shows that i watch. I also get mt news though from other sources too. The internet, when i have time, provides good stories and up to date on the news. Also, i like to look at the newspaper when i get a chance for my local news around my neighborhood. My parents also keep me updated on the news when i dont get a chance to watch a few minutes on the tv or dont get a chance to jump on the internet and check the news.

News Observations

i was looking aroud the site, especially at the top stories for the site and i found that there are alot of the same stories, just titled differently. Especially for the Tara Grant story, there were three stories about her in the top stories section. I did realize one thing though, that she was not the top story on the website. The comerica HQ moving to Dalls was a bigger story. On the top stories section, Tara Grant was the top story, yet on the front page of the website, the comerica news was the top story. this i just found interesting becuase it shows that the Tara Grant story is winding down and now bigger things are taking precedent.