Graffiti has always been known as a bad thing to society. People say that graffiti defaces property and that it is a horrible thing to do all together. Around every corner in Detroit, there is a new image scrawled on the wall. These images represent people though. Their feelings of hate or joy are expressed through this form of art. To some, this is the only way to express their feelings. While walking through abandoned buildings, there were many different styles and writings of graffiti. Some contained vulgar words or hate, whereas others contained words or images of hope. Although many people believe that graffiti is a bad thing, it is a blessing in disguise. Many images and writings were of hate and anger towards something. Graffiti is a way to vent these feelings. If graffiti was not an option, what would happen?; riots, crime, chaos? Graffiti is a way for people to express their feelings without any harm or distress to anyone. It is an outlet for people where this is the only way.
"Living is just enough"

While walking through an abandoned building,
there were condemned water bills scattered
about the floor. This is the drive behind my
essay. It shows that graffiti is an outlet for
people who are struggling.

This picture seemed very unique to me because
the bomb looks like it blew a hole into the wall.

This picture was taken underneath an overpass.
the entire wall was covered in this brightly colored
graffiti. It made the entire area look bright and

"It came to me in a was there that i found

This was an old fire truck in an abandoned building
that I was in.

This was located in under the overpass where
the above image was located.

This is a picture of some object which appeared
around every corner. This image popped up
on numerous occasions.
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